Developmental work/ Final piece and Presentation ideas

Developmental work ideas:

For my developmental work I will use the ideas I got from Laura Williams and Francesca Woodman. I want to incorporate movement into my work further and also the mirror illusion effect from Laura Williams. I will develop my Francesca Woodman work further and use a more textured background such as a wood or a lake ,furthermore I will incorporate Laura William's work into this by using photo frames and creating the mirror effect throughout my work. I also like the idea of using actual mirrors in my work to enhance the theme of identity throughout my photographs. I will use a background such as a bedroom set up to portray the comfortable and safe environment and twist this 'safe haven' by using the movement aspect from Francesca Woodman and create the haunting, eerie feel to a happy, safe, comfortable and known environment that many can relate to. 

Final piece: 'My safe place...'

My overall idea is to use a model (myself) and use safe and happy environments and incorporate the theme of identity by the use of the blur through a slow shutter speed on the figure, to create the idea of someone masking or hiding behind the 'happy' image or comfortable situation they are in, e.g. bedroom/home environments. Along side the happy situations and environments I will also use comfortable and secure surroundings to further enhance the theme of masking someone's identity. e.g.-playing with my hair, pulling my sleeves to cover my hands, looking down. 

'' Identity cannot be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the courage to let go...''
-Doug Cooper

Presentation ideas...

For the presentation of my final piece, I would like to incorporate the idea of the mirrors and the way we view ourselves through our own identity. So, to present my photographs I will collect different style, and sized mirror/photo frames and put my images into these frames. I will use different size and styles to emphasise the ideology that we all view our own identity as something different from how other people view ourselves and each other, and this is represented in the way we mask and hide our true identities, through keeping in our comfort zones, and staying in secure environments (home, bedroom, family, friends) and safe/comforting ways of presenting ourselves (fiddling with hair, looking down, biting nails). On each of the photo frames I will right out a different quote relating to identity in relation to the image that goes with it. Or I may just use the one quote from Doug Cooper on the frame in middle as this quotes summarises the idea as a whole.

This is a mood board of some of the ideas I will use to present my final piece. Using a variety of different sized and style photo frames to create a more vintage and jumbled look to my work. As I'm using 8 images they will all be different sizes to create the variation and scattered affect to the final outcome. The photo frames represent a memory or an identity of someone and this links to my final piece idea as it represents the idea of looking at someones identity through the frame and capturing the memory or moment. I am using a variety of different shapes, styles, and sized photo frame to symbolise the masking of someones true identity and the way they can hide their real person, with their outward appearance (frame) and the way they present themselves to make them feel comfortable (different sized and shaped photo frames). 

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