Weird and Wonderful- Giuseppe Mastromatteo

Giuseppe Mastromatteo has been a Fine Artist ,originally from Italy, for over a decade,  and he likes to develop his art projects in New York, where he has lived for 3 years. He also works in fine art and writes and teaches about fine art and advertising. However, he took these shots to incorporate surrealism to a classic portrait photo. He uses Photoshop to make the illusion of rearranged body features such as mouths, noses and eyes to create a surreal and odd looking outcome. He takes  classic and professional poses and manipulates them to make something more meaningful and different. He was inspired by the plastic and overly photo shopped fake images of people in the media and todays society, which led him to create this images to outline the flaws of the media and incorporate surrealism into a classic photo.


In his images Mastromatteo wanted to address the stigma attached to plastic surgery, by creating impossible illusions of rearranged faces. In this image, descriptively, the woman is on a white background, facing to one side with no expression on her face and what appears to be a mask covering just her face. However,in my opinion, this could symbolise the fact that people are always covering up the real them and hiding away the truth about themselves, this is represented with the mask that covers cup her real face. It could also suggest the way people crave to manipulate, hide and alter their real faces with plastic surgery and make up to change their appearance, also represented with the mask. The fact that the image is on such a plain background focuses and draws the viewer in to just the face and also makes the portrait more powerful as there is no other distractions. The model shows so expression or emotion in her face which suggests the poker and fake face that people pretend to be a natural expression. The image has a clinical feel to it, as the background is very plain and gives the clean and 'perfect'  look to it with it being a white backdrop. 

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