Statement of intention & Initial ideas- Weird and Wonderful

The genres I have enjoyed so far are Documentary and Portraiture. I was inspired by the work of Cindy Sherman and Wes Naman, as the way they shoot their photographs is very different to most Portraiture photography. I was interested in the way Cindy Sherman makes her portraits vibrant and different by using excessive make up and incorporating bold colours into the backgrounds to make the faces stand out. I liked how Wes Naman distorted and altered a person’s face by using everyday objects and made them look weird and odd by using harsh lighting too. I was inspired by his work because it links to the weird and wonderful theme and by adding to his style of work I can create odd looking images from simple materials.

I was also inspired by the work of Francesca Woodman, who creates a lot of movement images to make blurred outlines of figures. She is, again, someone who produces a different style of Portraiture photography. For my own weird and wonderful images I will incorporate her style of movement into my own photographs, by using natural surroundings to make the lighting not so perfect and precise as the image will be blurred and dull in the outcome. Francesca Woodman is a self Portrait photographer and most of her images are of herself so for my own photos I will do the same and use myself as the model to create my own images. For my Developmental work I will be using Francesca Woodman's style to create eerie looking photographs. I will use myself and my sister as models and use either a white sheet or a long dress to incorporate the haunting feel to the images. The aspect of movement will make the figures appear blurred. I will also use props such as a chair or stool to make it appear as though the figure is floating. I will take these images in natural settings such as woodland, however I will also use derelict or abandoned areas to create the eerie, absent, lonely feel to the photographs. 

 Another artist whose work has inspired me for this project is Laura Williams who uses  mirrors to create an illusion in her work. I like this idea and I think it links to the Weird and  Wonderful title. She too is a self Portrait artist so I will use myself again in these images.
    I was inspired to use her style because it makes the photograph more interesting and puts a different style on a Portrait photo. For my Developmental work I will use Laura Williams style and develop it using different props (tyres, chairs) to make the images more weird and also  to enhance the odd and different look to the images.

    For the Weird and Wonderful project I will use natural surroundings, and natural materials to develop the ideas and techniques I have already used and the ideas from the artists I mentioned to create my own weird and wonderful photos. 
    I intend to use ideas from the artists above, such as the mirror idea from Laura Williams and enhance this idea to develop it further using other props and objects. Also with  Francesca Woodman's ideas I intend to capture movement in my images to portray an eerie and haunting feel to my images. 
 I was also inspired by the work of Giuseppe Mastromatteo, and he uses photo shop to create odd and distorted images that make thought provoking photographs.

   Below is a mood board of some of the photographers that have influenced me, and some of   the ideas I want to incorporate into my further work.

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